Why this blog?

Over the past several months when talking with family, friends, servers at restaurants or even complete strangers while shopping the aisles at grocery stores, several of these encounters have touched on a common theme...digestive dysfunction. Once a topic for private discussions between doctor and patient has now become part of daily conversation. Why is this? Maybe because these issues are becoming part of our daily lives.

As a result this blog was created as an online journal, sharing what has worked to improve and maintain optimal health since my Candida diagnosis earlier this year and Redundant Colon in 2009. That's a double whammy in the digestive department. (Don't be jealous.) Unfortunately, there's not a lot of info on the web about redundant colon but without going into too much detail, I'll just say, it's no picnic. Information on Candida on the other hand is out there but many people are unaware of it and how it plays a part in other illnesses.

Here I'll post recipes, helpful hints, detox treatments, natural products, basically anything that has aided in physical and mental well being. One of the biggest positive impacts has to do with dietary changes, eliminating: dairy, wheat/gluten, refined sugars, processed foods and artificial ingredients and preservatives. I'll include photos of culinary creations or just about anything that falls into a need to share category.

I'll upload links of products on the side bar as well as in posts and pages so they're easy to find. Some of what I share will be specific for Candida treatments but if you also suffer from Candida please make sure to check with your doctor or naturopath before trying anything new.

If you are here because you are a family member or friend "Welcome!" Or, if you just happened to randomly stumble upon this blog, I am happy you did. Hopefully you will find something on here that resonates with you. And I encourage everyone to please feel free to share suggestions of your own so together we can help each other live healthy, happy lives.