Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy soda alternative

I've never been a big soda drinker but every once in a while I'll get a strong craving for a cold Root Beer. While shopping at our local health food store, I saw a bunch of flavored Stevia drops and then I saw Root Beer and wondered if this would actually taste like the real thing. It was almost $12 a bottle (they are even more expensive online) so I was hesitant to spend the money if it was going to taste horrible. Using a 20% off coupon, I justified the purchase. I had some Trader Joe's Sparkling water and plopped in about 8 drops of the liquid Root Beer for 8 ounces of water, stirred it up then added a bunch of cubes and took a sip. It tasted just like the real thing, except it doesn't turn color - it's a clear beverage, really light and crisp, not thick and syrupy like traditional root beer but ohhhhh so refreshing. If you are trying to wean yourself away from soda, this may be a great alternative. They have Cola flavor too! And I think the Cinnamon and English Toffee would be delicious in coffee. Bottom's up!

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