Monday, November 14, 2011

Party Mix Fail

While on the east coast, my husband stumbled across this product in a hotel gift shop. When he saw that it was "vegan" and "gluten free" he decided to bring it home as a little snack for me. I was in disbelief when I saw it. A gluten free party mix? This is too good to be true!

And of course, it was. Check out the ingredients:

I contacted the company via phone and expressed my concern over the misrepresentation of a gluten free product. The gentleman I spoke with was understandably upset and explained that this was a printing error. I gave him the details of the product info so it could quickly be pulled off shelves nationwide. 

When you're in a hurry or if your eyesight is not the strongest for fine print, it's easy to overlook ingredients. Allow yourself extra time when shopping (especially for new products)and carry a magnifying glass if it helps to read the tiny print. While it doesn't sound like the most efficient way of shopping, if it saves you from tummy problems down the line, then you know it's totally worth it. 


  1. You are nobody's fool, girl - I love your spunk! Good work - and good for you, for calling them about it. I hope they send you a FREE case of TRULY gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free snacks!

  2. Karen, you are right! He said he was going to send me a package of products. Was very kind of him to offer to do that!
