Thursday, October 13, 2011

All Things Pumpkin





(Mash the cookie into the ice cream for even better cookie to cream distribution.)

This combo, is ridiculously good.

Arctic Zero ice cream (also on the side bar) is one of the best finds yet. And while it's not technically "dairy free" because it contains high quality whey which is easily digestible, it is safe for those who have an intolerance to lactose. Don't expect the consistency to be just like ice cream, it's more like a frozen yogurt. It's better if you let it sit out for a few minutes to get soft and mushy and it's also delicious blended into a smoothie or shake. Mix it with a little almond milk for a refreshing pumpkin treat...

You could also sprinkle some Pumpkin Pie Spice (from Trader Joe's) into the shake for an even more festive feel. The ingredients in the mix are cinnamon, ginger, lemon peel, nutmeg, cloves and cardamom. This would be amazing sprinkled on top of Egg nog too. Will be fun to experiment with that in a month or so!

How about adding some spice to your favorite tea (vanilla, cinnamon or a nutty tea is perfect) or stir some into steamed Almond milk for a healthy pumpkin spiced latte. Top off with your favorite natural sweetener and enjoy!

If you love the tastes of fall, you'll probably love the scents too (note the pumpkin cream pie candle above.) Trader Joe's Mulling Spices are out on the shelves now and just a little on the stove will fill your entire house with the familiar scents of the season we all love so much.


  1. YUM! That ice cream and cookie combo might make great ice-cream sandwiches, too.

  2. I'm definitely going to try the Arctic Zone & cookie combination, great idea. Thanks Laura!

  3. I also recommend the Vanilla Maple flavor mixed in with Amy's Organic/GF/DF Chocolate cake. It tastes like a Swiss Cake roll. Remember those? I should do a separate post about it because it's soooo good.

  4. I love pumpkin anything!!! Thanks for sharing all these great products. And I totally love your personal story...I had no idea you went through all that! I'm so proud of you for making so many huge steps in your digestive health. Keep it up! Can't wait to read more :)

  5. Thanks for your kind words Alicia. These have been major huge steps with equally as huge benefits! Enjoy the pumpkin products!
