Friday, October 7, 2011

We're all inflamed

Our bodies are like matches ready to burst into flames at the spark of a toxin. We know that many prescription drugs are loaded with synthetic chemicals our liver, pancreas and kidneys are not able to break down. This causes the toxins to flow freely through the blood stream settling wherever they please and building up over time. To defend itself, our body begins to attack these foreign invaders through inflammation. That's a lot of extra stress on these vital organs that already play a critical role in keeping us alive. They're always taking care of us, so why not take care of them?

But when it comes to inflammation, drugs aren't the only culprit here. Something we put in our bodies every single day has a similar affect. The #1 inflammatory food...


And it's pretty hard to avoid. Sugar is of course linked to diabetes and tooth decay, and in addition to inflammation, it also increases our risk for obesity and is one of the leading causes of acne. As a result many people turn to artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes to satisfy their sweet tooth. But those don't fare much better. Studies have shown that saccharin has caused bladder cancer in laboratory animals and there was in increase in lymphoma and leukemia in rats fed high doses of aspartame. If you look for it the research is out there (just because it's FDA approved, does NOT mean it is safe) but sometimes we feel like we don't have any other options so we choose the lesser of two evils. It would be impossible to to eliminate sugar completely from our diets but here are some healthy alternatives especially when baking at home or sweetening up your morning coffee. Every little bit helps, even a spoonful.


Raw honey is a better option than processed sugars because it contains no harmful additives and is easily digestible. However it is still not an option for people with diabetes as it raises the blood sugar nor is it safe for those with candida since it feeds systemic yeast. But for the majority of folks, it's a healthy alternative over refined white sugar. 

(in either liquid, packets or powder form) 

Trader Joe's makes an organic Stevia powder extract that is great for on the spot sprinkling or adding to hot/cold liquids. It's $10 and contains 622 servings. A little scoop goes a LONG way. 

Stevia also makes on the go packets (either the extract, which is a very fine powder or raw sugar which is more like crystals) and these are great for toting along to coffee shops or for hot/iced tea when dining out.

Truvia is another all natural sugar alternative and in my personal opinion I think it's even sweeter than Stevia so I use about half a packet (instead of a full Stevia pack) when sweetening a beverage. But it may be different for others, all taste buds are not created equal. (Seriously, stay away from Equal btw.)

Agave Nectar used to be the go to alternative for sweetness but now that's up for debate. A recent finding from The Weston A. Price Foundation (a non-profit human health and nutrition organization) discovered that Agave Nectar is as bad for our bodies as high fructose corn syrup. Here's an excerpt:

"...agave “nectar” and HFCS are indeed made the same way, using a highly chemical process with genetically modified enzymes. They are also using caustic acids, clarifiers, filtration chemicals and so forth in the conversion of agave starches. The result is a high level of highly refined fructose in the remaining syrup, along with some remaining inulin." 
And just like honey, agave nectar was never the best alternative for diabetics and candida sufferers. But have no fear's an alternative to an alternative!

Coconut nectar is available in liquid form (it's VERY sticky) and is derived from the sap of the coconut blossom. It has one of the lowest glycemic indexes among sweeteners and also contains vitamins, minerals and animo acids making this the best option of all and it does not have a coconut taste in case anyone was curious. Most health food stores or even vitamin shops should carry this brand.

Coconut Secret also makes a crystal product which I haven't tried as yet, but is on my shopping list. This would be a great alternative to use for baking, especially now with the holiday season around the corner. Lots of fun recipes to look forward to!

Before signing off, I'll leave you with one little tidbit from earlier this week. I was invited to a friend's house for dinner and decided to bring some festive mini cupcakes. You know the ones...they're about the size of large man's thumb? 

Cute little happy pink cupcake
aka, the devil in disguise.

Seeing that it was the end of the night and I only live about a mile away I decided to indulge. I had one little teeny tiny cupcake and I'm not gonna lie, it was delicious. (*obviously this is a BIG no no for candida sufferers but for the last 6 months I can count on one hand how many times I've done something like this. It will happen from time to time so don't beat yourself up about it!) Within about 10 minutes, my stomach started to gurgle and expand. Judging from the physical effects to the outside of my body, I can't even imagine what was happening inside my gut. The inflammation was almost immediate. I gathered my things and headed home and you can guess where I spent most of the night and next morning...

In times like these, you'll have a new best friend. 

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